Monday, March 21, 2011

Feeling Worn-Out

I don't actually feel much like posting, but I feel like I Ought To post anyway, in great part because I don't feel like writing anything. I've been in a funk for a couple days now, and nothing I've done has really shaken it. It's hasn't been affecting my practical life; I've been keeping busy cleaning the house, working in the garden, making crafts, and doing stuff for school, but I'm still feeling empty. There's a great deal of satisfaction, but very little joy in what I'm doing. It's all been very matter-of-fact. I feel drained. I have all these ideas, but I'm making them happen without any energy behind them. Everything seems a little flat.

I don't know if there's a cure for worn-out-ness, except to live through it and wait for it to go away. This is the time when I need to be around people, even though I'm not very good company. More specifically, I think I need people to be around me. I am tired. I want someone to hold me, and pet my hair, tell me they love me, and that it will pass and I will feel better. I want to retreat into my books and not come out for a while. I want something so sad, or so wonderful, or so beautiful to happen that it will make me cry, and then I can go back to living, feeling a little less mucky, a little more clean. I want to sleep until I wake up feeling refreshed, until the sunlight speaks to me of possibility, and hope, and fulfillment of dreams. I want quiet beauty to come to me; I don't want to have to go chasing after it. I am not feeling fierce or fiery right now. Not at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time for spring break!