Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Creation is the Ultimate Act of Faith

One of my favorite lines from Rent is, "The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation!"

It doesn't matter much what you're making. What matters is the act of creation.

Make love. Make dinner. Make music.

Make someone happy.

Make a joke.

Make someone's day.

Make a dream come true.

Make a piece of jewelry. Make a date. Make time.

Make space.


Make it happen.

Whatever "it" is, whatever you're dreaming, it's up to you to bring it in to being. If we are truly all divine, then it is within the act of making that our divinity becomes visible to others.

What kind of god are you?

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I love it, very poetic and beautiful, not to mention a great idea.