Monday, April 4, 2011


I'm feeling distressingly mundane this evening. It's Monday, and that means journal day, but I don't feel enthusiastic about it. Driving home from getting my taxes done, I was thinking about just how lovely the budding trees looked against the sky, but there doesn't seem to be much to say about it beyond, "Oh. Pretty."

Mostly right now I'm just thinking about money and my cat. My cat, Moe, had a urinary tract blockage yesterday, and had to go to the emergency vet, The vet put a catheter in, did blood work, and generally cared for him overnight; he went back to the regular vet this morning. He's still there, and the vet took the catheter out, but he's not eating yet, which worries me a little. It looks like he's going to need a surgery that costs $2,000 to resolve this issue, as this is the second time it has happened in under a year. He's already been put on special food, and that didn't help as much as it should have. He might do better with wet food, so that's the next change. I also bought him a new water dish; he prefers to drink from the running tap, but I hope he'll drink from this dish as well.

So, between thinking about Moe-cat, getting my taxes done, and being three weeks away from my students taking the ACT, I'm in the land of stress and worry. It's not a nice place to visit, and I hope I get to leave soon.

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