Friday, October 8, 2010

She Bleeds For Me

She Bleeds For Me
Originally uploaded by ninniane

Forty/ Fifty-Two 10.1.10 - 10.7.10

This week, I lost a friend. She was someone I haven't talked with much for a long while, but with whom I was good friends in high school. We ate lunch together every day for a couple years, and even though it's been such a long time since we've seen each other, she has remained in my mind, a shining star, a soft wind, and a bit of sunlight. Her name was -is- Liz. It is odd to talk about her in the past tense. It's not that I can't conceive of her being gone, but more that I can't imagine than death is the end for her soul. She was such a bright spirit, and I have to keep believing that somehow, somewhere, there is still Liz-ness in the universe. Therefore, all that she was, she is, and I will speak of her with no tense at all, for it is her immortal part of which I speak.

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