Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Imbolc!

It's February 2nd. We have the day off from school today, due to the snow storm, and on the Pagan calendar it's also the first day of spring. Really. Seriously. Yes. It's officially spring. Which is clearly why there are drifts of snow nearly as high as my backyard fence (so we're talking 3 feet here), and which also explains why I couldn't get the back door open this morning to let the dog out.

I did finally shovel out the deck, and a path to the garbage cans, and around my car so I can get it out if I need to, and since then, I've spent the day hiding inside. I played some WoW, played some guitar, and re-set my altar for the season. All in all, not a bad way to spend the first day of spring!


Douglas Underhill said...

I can't believe it is anything like spring. Also, that's a fine altar.

Ninniane said...

It's absolutely nothing like spring, except that we're starting to get more days of blue sky. And thank you; I'm rather fond of the altar myself.