Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Eye, Post-Surgery

My Eye, Post-Surgery
Originally uploaded by ninniane

Twenty-eight/ Fifty-two 7.9.10 - 7.15.10

I had eyelid surgery yesterday (7.12.10) to correct "congenital ptosis of the left upper eyelid". Basically that means that my left eyelid droops (well, drooped, anyway) and impaired my vision. Once this heals I'll see whether I can see better. The stitches come out next week on Wednesday (7.21.10).

The experience of the surgery itself wasn't too bad, though there were moments that were slightly unnerving. The surgeon used a local anesthetic, so I was awake through the procedure, albeit with one of those paper napkins over my face. The worst part was the shot for the anesthetic itself - I really, really hate needles, and it doesn't matter if I can't see them. The stabby feeling of the needle was very icky. Beyond that, every time the surgeon did something that should have hurt, I just felt pressure, but I felt it all through the back of my nose and in my teeth. I kept saying "ouch" because, quite frankly, feeling pressure in my teeth was painful!

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